there is water underground.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

We're Number Forty-Nine!

...out of fifty. That's right, GMAC Insurance gave a test to over five thousand licensed drivers from all fifty states.* From living in New York, Massachusetts, and currently New Jersey, I knew even before reading the article that the Northeast would wind up toward the bottom of the list.

I was right. The esteemed Garden State ranked 49th, just above the state with the worst drivers... New York. Massachusetts ranked highest among the states in which may various automobiles have been licensed, coming in at a whopping 46th place. Those Idahoans and Wisconsinites out there are apparently the smartest drivers, but I attribute this to the fact that they live in states with more cheese & potatoes than the rest of us. There's logic in there somewhere. Anyway, it's an interesting article if you'd like to read it. The kind people at GMAC have also posted the exam for all to attempt. I scored an 85, which betrays my brand-new Jersey plates.

*the District can suck it.


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