there is water underground.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


There's a moment in every Rosh Hashanah service where the congregation reflects in silent meditation. It's not a long time - perhaps two minutes or so - but a room of two thousand people tacitly reading or praying to themselves is truly an amazing thing. To me, it transcends the experience of going to temple (which increasingly seems like a fashion show intertwined with a competition of who can arrive early to get the "good seats") and makes it into something greater, larger than ourselves, and that might be the whole purpose. This year, it was something even more. While the whole room was quietly praying, the four-year old sitting directly behind me decided that right then was the best time to shout: "My penis is too big!"

Not even the most serious, introspective Jews within earshot could stop laughing. It was a perfect moment. This kid is destined to have stellar comedic timing (and given that he's Jewish, he has a decent shot at show business).

Anyway, happy new year to all. May we all find some happiness, joy, love, and decent sushi restaurants. And if, at this time next year, your only complaint is that you're packing too much meat, definitely let everyone in temple know. Loudly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only problem is that this kid's a liar. No Jew has ever truthfully uttered such a statement.

11:28 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

I agree with Jason. I thought one of the traditions of the Jewish peeps is to take care of this problem quite early in a child's life. That being said, I'm cut and my kid will be too. I'll be goddamned if that kid has a bigger dick then me.

8:28 PM  

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