Just Because You're Old Doesn't Mean You're Allowed To Be Rude To Everyone.
While in line at walgreens today, an older man was buying a nail file. He thought the price was $0.67, but it was actually $1.05 with tax. When he got his change, he realized that he didn't get as much change as he was expecting. At this point, he started getting belligerent:
"How can you charge so much for a stupid nail file?"
...I don't decide the prices, sir.
"I thought it was much less than a dollar!"
The price sticker is right there, sir... each file is a dollar.
(throws the nail file at the cashier) "You bastards charge so much money. Give me my money back."
I'm sorry, you'll have to go to the customer service counter to get a refund. I can't do that right here, and there is a long line of customers.
"I don't care about them. I don't have time to go to another counter! I have to get to church."
It'll only take a minute, they'll take care of your refund right away.
"But I'm gonna be late to church!"
Well, you can bring it back another time, but I do have to help the other customers.
"God damn you, you bitch."
The cashier, a young girl who was probably in high school, was on the verge of tears. As the old guy was leaving, I said to him, "Great attitude for someone on his way to church." The cashier laughed and said, "I know! He shouldn't use that language either." And all was well in walgreens again. But seriously! This guy bitched out a cashier for absolutely no reason other than his own incompetence (the price sticker was on the nail file), he made her feel like crap even though she was being as nice and as helpful as possible, and he was on his way to church. What the fuck? Is church just something to do to pass the time? Is it a social event where if you're late they kick you in the nuts? And, um... isn't it supposed to be a positive experience where you talk about being a good person and not using the lord's name in vain? I don't frequent religious establishments very often, but being a dick to someone and then heading to prayer seems kinda hypocritical. It's obvious that the actual experience of going to church and the messages that are conveyed didn't matter to this guy. If you're a dick, be a dick. The cashier will know that you're just... well, just a dick. If you're pious, be pious. Just don't be stupid and ruin someone's day, especially over something as trivial as a fucking nail file. I understand that the extra thirty-eight cents were probably very important to him, and that's fine. But if he'd gone over to the customer service desk and gotten his money back, it would've taken less time than his complaining. Or, he could've said "I'll bring this back another time to get my refund" and been nice about it. Instead, he chose to be a jerk, and that's what pissed me off. Grrr. Sometimes I just want to pee all over everything.